Name of the foundation

The Foundation is officially registered in the Netherlands as Stichting Ranger Campus with RSIN/fiscal number 856 268 781.

ANBI status

We are officially registered as an ANBI (Public Benefit Organisation) by the Dutch tax authorities. An institution can be qualified as a Public Benefit Organisation solely when at least 90% of the institutions efforts are focused on the general good. It also provides a number of tax advantages to donors, and requires the foundation to comply with specific administrative and transparency requirements.

Contact details

Stichting Ranger Campus is located at:
Plataanlaan 19, 6708 PT Wageningen, The Netherlands

Correspondence address

Foundation Ranger Campus
c/o Mrs. D. Noome
Plataanlaan 19
6708 PT  Wageningen

Email Address

Composition of the Board

The Ranger Campus board consists of three people:

  • Sil Kloppenburg, chairman
  • Vacant, treasurer
  • Peter Stolwerk, secretary & strategic advisor

Remuneration policy

The members of the board do not receive remuneration for their activities.


Strengthening and supporting wildlife rangers and their managers in protected areas worldwide, to protect local biodiversity. We do this by making available high quality training for rangers, both via a personal e-learning environment as well as by additional on-site training.


The board meets several times a year. The board member in charge of the secretariat, compiles a report. During the meetings spending decisions are taken only in accordance with the objectives and these decisions are usually nominated by the president and the treasurer of the board. The decision to allocate financial means to projects for training rangers in developing countries are prepared by a committee consisting of at least two board members. This may include, where applicable, discussions with applicants and any other stakeholders.

The daily management of the funds of the foundation shall be the responsibility of the treasurer. Pursuant to the Articles of Association, no (legal) person has a decisive say within the Foundation. Thus no (legal) person can possess the assets of the Foundation as if it were equity.

Each year, a financial report is compiled by an accountant. The Board shall adopt the financial statements in the subsequent meeting.

Campus Ranger Foundation is a non-profit and revenue will be used by the foundation in accordance with its objective.


The Board takes great care to ensure that expenditures are made only in accordance with the statutory corporate purpose and the available funds.

Annual Reports