Ranger Campus is a registered charity under the laws of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. We work together with a global network of partners and subject matter experts. We operate worldwide.
Park rangers in developing countries have limited access to quality training. Sometimes provided with an initial training induction, most rangers work their entire careers without any refresher training or personal development.
We love wildlife. We recognise the importance of having qualified men and women protecting the world’s wild spaces every day. We protect wildlife by strengthening law enforcement in protected areas.
The development of a practical and relevant training system and standard that supports a worldwide network of well-led, well-trained and motivated protected area law enforcement professionals.

The LEAD program is a program of excellence, delivering industry best-practice training over a multi-year period to the future leaders of conservation. The program is a collaborative initiative of Akashinga, the Thin Green Line Foundation, and Ranger Campus.
In collaboration with:

Ranger Academy
Ranger Academy is a collection of e-learning modules covering fundamental skills for rangers in the field.

Expert Network
We work together with subject matter experts to ensure the most current information and skills are available to rangers.

Instructor Courses
Through our LEAD Ranger Instructor courses we empower rangers, and ensure crucial skills are available in the workspace.